Keely's adventures

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Today was a nice day. I went to a favorite school and had some fun classes. It was cloudy and rained off and on all day. Just as I was leaving school it was not raining so I was happy. :) I stopped at a grocery store on the way home as a few drops of rain started to fall again... Several kids were there buying candy and snacks after school. They called out to me/ ran up and talked... It was really fun! We compared our shopping items and laughed and talked a bit. I kept running in to kids throuhout the store and even when I went outside. As I put my bags in my bike basket two little boys yelled "Keely Sensei!" and then "ping pong, ping pong!" Apparently they really enjoyed our sports lesson the other day... :) I love these kids! I will miss these random encounters when I leave.


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