Keely's adventures

Saturday, January 21, 2006

It was an interesting day. My friend and I went to Okazaki for an international festival, and to meet up with some friends for frisbee/ dinner. We ended up skipping out on the frisbee part due to threatening weather, and perhaps a streak of laziness... :) The festival turned out to be a lot of fun! The food was pretty good [especially a coconut dessert from Brazil!] and there was lots of entertainment, and a recycled kimono "free [flea] market." I got a gorgeous kimono for a pretty good deal! There were many nice ladies there who were kind and helpful. We hope to join more OIA [Okazaki International Association] events in the future.
After the festival we went to join some friends at "Peppers" [a local restaurant]. We walked back to the station, since it seemed the only chance at finding a taxi. We got into a taxi and asked the driver to take us to Peppers. He looked at me like I was crazy. So I repeated it. He repeated it and looked at me like I was crazy. This cycle continued for a little while. Then he asked me more questions. He was disappointed to find out that I didn't know any more info on the place either. Oops. So he got on the radio with other taxi drivers, who acted like HE was crazy. Next step was rolling down his window and banging on the side of his door to get the attention of other taxi drivers in the line-up. Their interactions mirrored those of the driver and myself. None of them knew the place either. They were amused though [so were we!!!!]. Finally the driver ended up lending me his cell phone to call my friend to get better directions! They chatted and he found the place no problem [after passing along the info out the window to his buddies]. Now THAT'S service!!


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