Keely's adventures

Friday, August 04, 2006

Wow! Time keeps ticking and the day that I leave my home in Tahara is coming closer and closer! I have been spending a lot of time packing and sorting. Sorting is kind of fun, because I run across so many things that bring back memories and help me to relive the time I've spent here, and to see how much I have learned and changed. What a great experience it has been to live in Tahara for three years! I am happy to have a Japanese home town now!

Another thing that makes packing a bearable experience is the help I've received from friends. Last night two of my favorites came over and were looking through my clothes that I decided not to take on with me to the next phase of my life. It was fun watching them look through together and decide what suited which better, and how they could use each item. They left with some nice "new" pieces for their wardrobes, and select items to share with other friends. It is nice to know that people I love will get use from my things, and hopefully they can remember me as they wear it! :) We had lots of fun eating dinner together and talking. After they left my upstairs neighbor wanted me to come up and look at something [she is packing to leave as well]. Well I went up and we started talking and ended up talking 'til the sun came up... Wow! We also did a bit of relaxation yoga to chase away the stress of moving. Then it was back downstairs to catch a bit of sleep before it got too noisy...

I woke up this morning to a call from my boyfriend, and that is always a nice way to start my day! :) Then I cleaned, did more packing, and talked with a friend who came by. She took some of my kitchen things, like cornmeal and some spring-form pans. While she was here I got a call saying that I was accepted to join Peace Boat as an English teacher! Hooray! I was so happy and relieved to have the question securely answered of what I am going to do next! I am really excited for the possiblities that this "job" holds. I am overflowing with ideas and questions. Most of all, I am happy to know that I will be coming back to Japan soon to start the voyage around the world. This way, as I pack up and leave I know it is not really goodbye. It is just "see you in a few months!" And THAT is the kind of goodbye that I like!!!! :)


At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Keely! Continued blessings in all of your journeys.


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