Keely's adventures

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Really good weekend! :) Friday night biked with a friend to MOS Burger, passing some beautiful and peaceful rice-fields along the way. The cool night air and the sound of the frogs with just a bit of fog made the atmosphere so beautiful and relaxing! It was a great time with a dear friend and a nice memory of Japan! I would not have wanted to bike there alone though. Very dark and isolated. Sat morning got up and did some laundry/ cleaning and then caught a train to Okazaki for ultimate frisbee. That was really fun, nice game with great people, except it was marred by a pretty substantial [and prolonged] rainfall. It didn't stop us from playing, but it made for a pretty cold and damp ride home. Oh well!

I had time to shower and change before going to a fellow-teacher's house for dinner. It was really nice and fun! The family has recently returned from Belgium, and we had lots of interesting things to talk about. It is funny how I can relate so well to them even though our "home cultures" are so different. There is something about having common experiences that brings people together... I hope that their readjustment to Japan is enjoyable! :) They are great people!

Sunday held less "excitement" but was a thoroughly enjoyable day. In addition to laundry and cleaning and other less-than-exciting chores, I did some activities for inspiration/ relaxation and clearing my head. First I tried a bit of yoga but realized I am still nowhere near an expert. I hope to learn more. Then I listened to a Bible study CD. It was interesting with some new [to me] insights... I talked to my sister as well, and that was great! It's been a long time!! Finally, I spent a few hours doing calligraphy and just letting my mind totally engage in the activity. Since I did that I have felt much happier and more relaxed about everything in my life! I think I have an artist hiding inside... or at least a wannabe artist. If I end up spending more time in Japan, I would definitely like to invest some of my energy in developing my interests in pottery, calligraphy and flower-arranging.

...flower arranging... Monday at school I was privileged to join the flower-arranging club after school. We had a good time placing flowers and comparing arrangements. Another thoroughly enjoyable activity for me. :) I love flowers. Working with them makes me happy. I particularly love taking a random bunch of flowers and arranging them to make something even more beautiful. That is what ikebana is! I think I am part Japanese!!

Today [Tuesday] was another great day. School was fun [again!] although it got REALLY hot [it has begun. :( ]. After school I tried to catch up on emails, and then I got picked up for dinner. I went to a very sweet lady's house and had a great time with her and her family! They live out in the countryside, with fields and rice paddies all around... It was such a peaceful and beautiful place! We took a walk and she took some fruits to her son's calligraphy teacher to share [someone had given her 2 bags full!]. She also pulled some carrots, picked a cucumber and 2 green peppers and many "shiso" leaves. Then we went back to the house and started preparing dinner. We made "tempura." It was my first time, and it was not as difficult as I thought it would be! It actually just takes patience. The process is rather simple. Well she prepared a huge feast! It was fun working together [until the grandmother pulled me aside to show me the family shrine, and then to show me the gardens and eventually she even sent me climbing up a spider-webby orange tree after some oranges to take home. What a cute and sweet lady! The son was really cute too! He had written out a "schedule" of events to take place around dinner, beginning with his own opening remarks, followed by a greeting by me, the polite beginning of dinner "itadakimasu", the polite ending of dinner "gochisosamadeshita," and a calligraphy lesson taught by Keisuke sensei. That was fun! He decided to teach me a very difficult kanji. "ai" = love. It is beautiful though! :) We had a good time painting together, and he was really good! :) We traded calligraphy as presents. It was so nice to be in a family atmosphere, to eat fresh foods, and to see/ experience a different side of Japan [although it was only about 15 minutes from where I live!]. I like the "inaka" [country] life! least for one evening...


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