Life keeps moving and I keep growing... I am facing major changes in my life and it is exciting and a little scary at the same time. I have been debating for months about what path is the best to take, and I have had some doors close and some new ones open. I have tried to stay positive and am constantly on the lookout for new opportunities. Meanwhile I have kept in mind a few of my top options... Incredibly some great jobs have shown up on my radar- jobs which had not previously existed but I had dreamed of in my imagination... Most recently I have been amazed by the way that a potentially perfect path has fallen into place for me. I will definitely be able to have some travel time between this job and the next, which I hope to divide between visiting friends, exploring on my own and doing some volunteer activities. If I am accepted for the jobs that I want, I will be able to fulfill multiple dreams within the year! I am realizing how important it is to have imagination and faith, and what a powerful combination they can be! I have come to understand the phrase "If you can dream it, you can do it!" Now my challenge is to create bigger dreams and to act on them!
Friday, May 26, 2006
About Me
- Name: Keely
- Location: Tahara, Aichi, Japan
Born in Kentucky and having lived around the world, I am a person with many homes. I enjoy getting to know others and bringing people together. I really believe that I can learn from every person I meet, and my life has been enriched greatly by friendships! I love to try new things and I enjoy creative pursuits and coming up with new ideas. For me, life is an adventure with new opportunities and challenges each day!
Previous Posts
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