Keely's adventures

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hello! Life is proceeding very nicely. I have had some really fun times at school. Now the kids are practicing for their Sports Festival. The things they do and the organization with which they do them are amazing. Sometimes it seems very militaristic. At other times much more like circus tricks. It is an amazing experience to see all of the kids working together and doing what I would consider stunts. Very athletic, very fun, and lots of team-building elements! Another interesting Japanese cultural tidbit is the "Radio Taiso" [?], stretches set to music which are broadcast every morning on national TV [was on the radio] at 6:30. The kids learn these stretches as part of their basic education and perform them at the sports festival. It is fun to watch them all stretching in sync. If you are going to be in Tahara on the 27th let me know, you can come to the "undokai" [sports festival]!


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